Cyprus One Of A Kind!

Cyprus is one of the biggest islands in the Mediterranean and more specifically the 3rd biggest. It has a good place strategically and commercially because it is between three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, enabling Cyprus to develop trade and tourism relations with countries of these continents and from the other hand to monitor and accept the influence of various cultural currents, especially from countries in Europe. Cyprus is also situated in the middle of the ancient world (Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor, Greece and Crete), so I accepted for centuries the influence of cultural patterns of these countries. It is not surprising that Cyprus has experienced a very ancient culture. Over the centuries, the island has been ruled by the Assyrians, Phoenicians, Persians, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Byzantines. The prominent location of Cyprus in the key area of the eastern Mediterranean is the main reason that the island was occupied at times by various conquerors who have left their stamp on the Cyprus landscape. England, which in other areas lost bases, still keeps in Cyprus two major military bases and many rights, which indicates the strategic importance of Cyprus. Also in 1974 the Turks invaded the island and placed under the domination of the 38.5% of the territory of the Republic. Today in year 2011 Cyprus is still occupied and Nicosia is the only capital in Europe which is still divided.

Ayias Sophias 4, Livadia, Larnaca, Cyprus

+357-99630773 +357-99335570